Headteacher's Welcome The Year 1 & 2 children stepped back in time this week with a visit from Florence Nightingale! They found out lots about what life was like for Florence and the important work she did in the Crimean War and how her work changed nursing forever - she really was a Real Life Superhero! The children had the opportunity to handle lots of historic artefacts, dress up as nurses and soldiers and really immersed themselves in life in the past. The children have since produced some fabulous writing linked to this exciting historic learning you can see more on our gallery page. |
Attendance & Punctuality We have noticed increasing numbers of children arriving late to school in the mornings. This creates lots of difficulties:-
Holidays in Term Time
The attached letter provides more information - please take a few minutes to read it. What this means for parents:-
You can see the calendar for next year here to ensure holidays are not booked in term time.
Active Homework
With so many cold winter days, the opportunity to be active outdoors is reduced. We wanted to continue to support our children to achieve the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Each week we will be adding an 'Active Homework' idea onto the newsletter.
Balloon Fun!
Using a blown up balloon, see what active fun you can have! You could play piggy in the middle, see how many 'keepy uppys' you can do, or play balloon basketball!
Why not play some music to dance to, while you try to keep the balloon up in the air!
Learning Information for this Term Specific learning information for each year group has been uploaded to the Key Stage pages of the website. Please follow the links:- Year 1 & 2 (KS1) This term the topic in Y1 & Y2 is 'Real Life Superheroes' Reception (Foundation Stage) - This term the topic is 'Once Upon a Time' Foundation Stage (Reception) Information In addition to the half term Parent Overview, there is also a Weekly Newsletter for parents of children in Reception which gives details of specific leaning each week in school and how this can be supported at home. This can be found each week on the Foundation Stage page of the website. Click Here. Contact with Teachers If you need to contact your child's class teacher you may email them using the class email which is the name of the class as follows e.g. bears@nethergreen-inf.sheffield.sch.uk, koalas@nethergreen-inf.sheffield.sch.uk etc Please do not expect an immediate response as teachers are teaching all day and are not expected to reply to emails during evenings and weekends. For a quick chat you can wait at the end of the day. For urgent messages please contact the school office. |
Our next meeting is at The Florentine on Tues 28th Jan at 7:45pm. Everyone is welcome!
Date for the diary - Fri 28th Feb is Movie Night. If you have any questions, comments or want to get involved in the PTA, please message us at nethergreeninfantschoolpta@
Dates for the Diary Please see attached the Parent Calendar for this year. Please take a few minutes to take note of dates, including INSET and holiday dates, Parents' Evenings and Parent workshops to find out about learning in school and performances. Notes about the calendar: 'Friendly Friday' - every 4th Friday that the children are in school, parents will be invited into classrooms from when they open at 8:40am until when the bell rings at 8:55am. Mon 27th Jan - Elephants Trip to EIS Tues 28th Jan - 8:40am Maths Open Morning - all parents welcome Tues 28th Jan - 7:45pm The Florentine - PTA Meeting Tues 4th Feb - Chinese Dragon Dance Workshop Fri 7th Feb - Friendly Friday Book Look - parents in class until 8:55am Tues 11th Feb - Safer Internet Day Fri 14th Feb - Last day of half term Mon 24th Feb - First day of half term Fri 28th Feb - PTA Movie Night Tues 4th Mar - Wonderdome Planetarium - Y1 & Y2 Thurs 6th Mar - World Book Day Fri 7th Mar - Friendly Friday Book Look - parents in class until 8:55am Fri 7th Mar - Lemurs Trip to Concord Tues 11th Mar - Amazelab Workshops - all classes Tues 18th Mar - 3:30-6:30pm Parent's Evening Tues 18th Mar - No extra-curricular clubs Thurs 20th Mar - 3:30-6:30pm Parent's Evening Thurs 20th Mar - No extra-curricular clubs Fri 21st Mar - 2:00pm Rocksteady Concert Tues 25th Mar - 9:15am Reception Spring Concert Wed 26th Mar - 9:15am Reception Spring Concert Fri 28th Mar - Last day of spring term Mon 14th Apr - First day of summer term Thurs 17th Apr - Easter Bonnet Parade with NGJS Fri 18th Apr - Bank Holiday - Good Friday Monday 21st April - Bank Holiday - Easter Monday Weds 23rd April - Penguins Dance at Octagon |
S6 Foodbank We will continue to support the S6 foodbank - please bring donations to the foyer and put in the food bank box.
Many families in Sheffield are facing increased hardship this winter. S6 Foodbank aim is to help not only with food parcels but debt support, housing advice and benefit guidance. They urgently need donations of:
The box will be in the school foyer, outside the office if you would like to donate. |
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