Nether Green Infant School


The approach to school

Nether Green Infant School is situated very near to a main road, Fulwood Road and within convenient walking distance to bus stops.

There is a pedestrian crossing enabling access to both sides of Fulwood Road. The puffin crossing has tactile paving.

Stumperlowe Park Road where our school is situated is wide enough for suitable passing places for wheelchair users. Local residents ensure plantation is trimmed back. The pavement has been recently re paved and is therefore flush with no cracks or gaps.

The pavement is free from hazards such as bollards and litter bins. There is a grass verge, road side on the pavement.

The road is a residential road apart from the school. There are many drives attached to the homes of the local residents.

The school is clearly signposted from the road.

There is no seating for parents and carers at 'drop off' and 'pick up' but there is a low wall directly outside the school which could be used as a temporary seat.

Car park

The school has a small car park which holds 6 cars and  for staff use only. Parents and carers who need flat access into the school building may also use the car park but are asked to inform the school prior to using it please. Visitors for deliveries also use the car park e.g food for the kitchen.

Access from the car park is via a ramp.

External steps

All treads are long enough and of the same length with handrails on one side. The risers of the steps at the front of the school are different to the rest of the school steps.

Nosings on main steps into school are painted bright yellow with durable paint.  


Main school entrance is clearly signposted for visitors. The main entrance has double doors wide enough for a wheelchair. There is a step to access all doors except the door from the car park which has a low ramp which can be used by a wheelchair.

High door handles are clearly marked at the main doors. Doors can be opened single handedly. All doors have glazed panels providing clear visibility.

The entry buzzer is lit at all times. Some weather mats are flush to the floor, but not all.  

Main entrance

Our office staff have a clear view of visitors in the lobby and can provide assistance if necessary. The lobby is well lit and there is room for a wheelchair user and others. The surface has two weather mats, the first one on entry being of firm texture and  flush with the floor.

Corridors and internal services

There are a few corridors in our school which have enough space for single access but not for other people to pass. One corridor may be obstructed by coats as it also a cloakroom area.

Our school is built into a hill so it has many steps and stairs. To aid access inside the school building we have a lift to the 'lower' floor. Not all classes can be accessed via the lift.

Classrooms, the hall and teaching areas are covered in either carpet or vinyl. The vinyl areas in the classrooms and toilets are slip-resistant.

Internal doors

Internal classroom and hall doors have glazed panels through which children and adults can see each other. Temporary notices are attached to the door whilst still enabling people to see each other.

The width of the doors is sufficient for a wheel chair user. Most internal doors require a 'push' or a 'pull'. Doors are light enough to open easily.

Internal ramps

There are no internal ramps.

Internal stairs

Treads are long enough. Risers are all of the same height and nosings readily identifiable.

There are suitable handrails and landings.


There is one passenger lift in our school which is used for vertical circulation between the school hall and one level of the school. Note, there is not a lift to the 'upper level'.

The lift has a voice indication of floor reached and audio commentary.

WC provision

There are slip-resistant floors throughout.

Fittings are easily distinguishable from the background.

Compartment door controls are easily gripped. Cubicle doors have contrast coloured panels.

An accessible WC is available.

Means of escape

Audible alarm system is set throughout the school.

All exit routes are signposted and lit through the system.


For further information about accessibility please don't hesitate to contact our Buildings Officer.

Stumperlowe Park Road
S10 3QP

0114 2304094