PE and Sports Funding
At Nether Green Infant School we encourage all our children to have healthy lifestyles and we encourage physical activity throughout the curriculum. Our aim is that all our children leave our school having mastered the fundamental movement skills they require to be access any sporting opportunities they wish in the future. Our school recognises the values that physical education and sports gives children and have seen significant evidence to show that it supports other learning across the curriculum. It also contributes to healthy and active lifestyles, focuses positive behaviour, increases attendance and develops key skills such as leadership, confidence, social and team building skills.
Each year we receive money which is specifically to improve opportunities for PE and Sport in school. For the school year 2023-24 we anticipate our funding to be approximately £17, 340.
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. This means that our school must use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to:
- develop or add to the PE and sport activities that your school already offers
- build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years
There are five key indicators that schools must work towards. Below we have outlined the areas of focus for our school.
For more detailed information read below.
You can read how the school intends to spend our PE and Sports Grant for the Year 2023-24
You can read how the school has spent our PE and Sports Grant for the Year 2022-23
You can read how the school has spent our PE and Sports Grant for the Year 2021-22
You can read how the school has spent our PE and Sports Grant for the Year 2020-21
You can read how the school has spent our PE and Sports Grant for the Year 2019-20
You can find out more about PE in school by going to our PE Curriculum Page
Stumperlowe Park Road
S10 3QP
0114 2304094