Nether Green Infant School

  Learning Online

Look here for links to some of our favourite online learning sites


Top Marks has lots of Maths games you can try. 
BBC Bitesize have added lots of extra lessons and activities to support Home Learning during school closures. 
We love Numberblocks!

Reading and Phonics  

  We use  a scheme called Read Write inc for Phonics. 

You can watch daily lessons online.

Oxford Owl has lots of activities including some online books you can read! 

Please email your child's class teacher if you need the login details

 Some children in school take part in a Lexia intervention group. If your child is a part of this they will have their own individual login.

Unfortunately we cannot provide logins for all children.

 The Wider Curriculum 

Every child has their own login for Purple Mash. Email school if you need your child's details. 

There are lots of activities to choose from and teaches will also set some specific activities on these. 

The DFE have launched this new website with daily lessons taught via this  with teachers. There are lessons for each year groups in English, Maths and the foundation subjects. You can either access the subjects or follow the daily schedule. 

Links to lessons that fit in with our weekly leanring are on the Year Group Home Learning Page

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S10 3QP

0114 2304094