Nether Green Infant School

Key Stage One Gallery

Following our visit from Bethan Woollvin, Elephants enjoyed recreating her wonderful witch, Willow, using natural materials in the woodland.

Today we had a visit from author and illustrator Bethan Woollvin. She told us all about how she became an author. Then we had a go at collaging our own book illustrations just like Bethan! 

We are all enjoying learning about castles in history.  We visited  Conisbrough Castle to find out what it was like to live in a castle in the past. 

 We have all enjoyed doing lots of experiments during Science Week! We also had a visit from the brilliant Amazelab.


We loved taking part in the sponsored leap. It was great fun and we raised lots of money! 

As part of our art topic, this week we looked at the work of the famous American abstract artist Jackson Pollock who invented  the 'drip technique' of painting.  We took our art lesson outside to drip and flick paint to create our own Pollock inspired works of art. 

In our geography lessons we have been exploring our local area. First we did a traffic survey on Fulwood Road and then we went on a local walk to the co-op!  We followed a route on a map and looked out for different physical and human features. 

We have been learning about the symbols used in music.

We know how to read and play along using crochets, quavers and rests.

In our DT work we are designing a teddy bear's picnic and today Elephants tasted some picnic food and then voted to show which items we would pack in our picnic baskets.

After reading the story of Hansel and Gretel we made our own images of the gingerbread house and Willow the witch in the woodland.

We have been investigating and creating moving pictures in our DT work.

We have been inspired by castles and fairy tales.

Using sliders, leavers and wheels we were able to bring our pictures to life. 

We have been learning all about Lent and Easter.

We have listened to and discussed the Easter story in our classes and made a range of artwork to represent the story


We have been  looking at the work of Paul Klee who's work involves tinting and shading, and also the work of Robert Delauney who displays a range of cool and warm tones..

See how our artwork reflects their different styles and techniques. 


 We have been learning all about pitch in music.

We understand that pitch can be high or low.

We used the chime bars to investigate pitch and play a simple song.

Do you recognise it?


 The Lemurs have been learning and retelling the story of Rama and Sita. 

We discovered we have some amazing actor and actresses! 

The Lemurs had a fabulous morning of Multi-skills at the EIS with students from Hallam

The Lemurs created some beautiful winter robins in art; using painting, printing and collage. 

 We all visited the war memorial in Fulwood as part of our  learning about Remembrance Day. We decorated stones with poppies and placed them on the steps. 

As part of our Living Things, Science topic we have spent lots of time in the woodland. We have been looking for different habitats of different creatures,.

We even had a go at trying to make some of our own!

Second week back and the Lemurs had great fun making and comparing 2 digit numbers with base 10.  We used our number knowledge to play Top Trumps, brilliant!

Kangaroos and Turtles had a fantastic time this morning in the woodland with Harvey's mum. We found out how fires are started, learnt about fire safety and even started our own fires with a traditional flint!  

The Lemurs worked well in teams practising for sports day!

  We have been doing lots of work based on the book 'Room on the Broom' by Julia Donaldson. We have written instructions on how to make a magic potion, designed a new broom for the witch, written a book review and even made our own magic wands in the woodland.

We have had a fantastic party day today.  We spent some time playing games and dancing, eating our party food and making our party hats and place mats.  It was lovely to see the children in their party clothes.  We created a huge conga line!



The Lemurs had a marvellous time practising their scooter skills.

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S10 3QP

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