Nether Green Infant School

Weekly News Page 

Friday 10th May 2024

It has been another great week in school. It has been lovely to have some sunshine and it feels like we are finally waving goodbye to the cold weather! The children have been enjoying using all our outside spaces and have welcomed the changes to playtime activities that were prompted by the whole school survey led by the School Council including activities set up by our Little Leaders. 

A big thank you once again to the PTA who have very kindly paid for another set of Bee Bots to support our Computing Curriculum - this means the children can work in much smaller groups and therefore the learning experience is much more interactive for everyone. Thank you PTA!


This week one of our parents actually ran over one of our Road Safety child size signs as they drove off - we are very pleased that it was just a cut out of a child and not a real one - PLEASE TAKE CARE!!! 

Please don't wait for a child to get hurt before changing habits!  


 It's nearly time to get those dancing shoes on as Sparky Marky will be in the house next Thursday 16th May, 5.30-6.30pm! Thanks to all who have signed up. Reminder that parents are not allowed to stay unless they are volunteering as part of the PTA. Please keep your eyes peeled for the email from Mrs Hawkins next week that will detail drop off / pick up arrangements. 


We are in the process of creating a commemorative yearbook featuring photographs as well as your child's best memories of their time at school. The deadline for voluntary contributions and permission via ParentPay is Friday 31st May.

Please save the date for our NGIS PTA Summer Fair! They'll be a bouncy castle, games galore and a brilliant BBQ to keep all the family entertained at this after school event. Fingers crossed the weather stays bright!
Once the school disco is out the way we will be sharing more details and making a few (small) requests. In the meantime, our focus is on securing a fabulous line up of prizes for our raffle so there's something everyone will want to win - and lots of chances! So if you, your work or someone you know has anything, big or small, they'd like to put forward, we'd love to hear from you!
Please Thank you so so much!

Amazon Wishlist 

File:Amazon logo. CB635397845.png - Wikimedia Commons

Thank you so much - we have had lots of donations this week...the link is still live if you would like to donate. 

 Amazon Wishlist 

Notes from the Teachers 

Reception - Morning Drop Off

As we move closer to the end of the school year we always like to prepare children in the best way possible for September. We would therefore like to encourage Reception children to start coming into school independently by saying goodbye to their grown ups at the gate ready for Year 1. From next week we will have some of the Reception staff ready to welcome children into school at the gate. We know that some children will adapt to this more quickly - please let us know if your child needs some support with this. 

September 2024

The summer term is always a busy one and we are already starting to look ahead to September. Teachers will soon be thinking about organising classes for September. We find it to be a really positive opportunity for the children to make new friends and build relationships with others in school. We don't ask parents to nominate friends for their new classes as we know that by this time in the year the teachers have a really good idea of how well the children work together and who they spend most of their social time with. We do though, invite parents to share any significant information that you would like us to take into consideration when organising classes.

If you do have anything you would like us to know please email your child's class teacher. 

Foundation Stage

Reception children will be going to the Butterfly house next week - please remember to send a packed lunch (if you haven't ordered a school grab bag), a rain coat and apply sun cream if needed. 

Reception Overview - Minibeasts

The Weekly Newsletter is available on the school website by following this link: Reception Weekly Newsletter


Messages  for Teachers 

Just a quick reminder that you are more than welcome to speak to class teachers at the end of the day if you have quick questions. 

The class email is the name of the class as follows e.g.,  etc

Sheffield Better Points 

BetterPoints Sheffield rewards staff and parents for walking, wheeling, cycling, and using public transport. 


The BetterPoints you earn can be exchanged for drinks at 20+ cafes, for Sheffield Gift Cards, or for High Street, supermarket and online shopping vouchers. You can also donate them to the Children's Hospital, St Luke's Hospice and other local charities.

 We're keen to help the whole school community become happier and healthier - and the surrounding streets safer, cleaner and less congested. Please download the app today and enter the code nethgrinf on registration (tap Menu, then Add Code if you are already signed up). Drive to school? We especially want you to join in!


Download the app from Google Play or the App Store to start earning rewards today (scan the QR to go straight to your app store), and see the website for more info:


 Sheffield S6 Foodbank Logo

You can help by bringing donations to school - the box will be on the wall outside the front of school next week!

We are still collecting donations for the S6 Foodbank and would like to continue to support this charity that helps many communities in Sheffield (not just S6).

They would particularly like donations of the following foods:-

Other Items they collect are:-

  • Tinned Fruit and Vegetables 
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Tinned soup
  • Tinned Meals (curries, spaghetti, chilli etc)
  • Laundry detergent pods
  • Washing up liquid
  • Jams and Spreads
Messages from the Office

School Dinners -  Spring / Summer Menu 

W/c 13th May  is week 2. 
School Photos Deadline

Have you ordered your school photos yet? The closing date for free delivery back to school is 19th May 2024.  Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit 

If you need any assistance in ordering your photos, feel free to contact Tempest on 01736 751555 (option 3).

School Uniform - Logo Leisurewear
If you would like to order new school uniform for September, the cut off date for GUARANTEED delivery to school is Sun 16th June. Orders can still be placed after this date for home delivery.
Payment Deadlines (via ParentPay)
Fri 17th May - Author Workshops - Y1 & Y2
Fri 31st May - Y2 Leavers Book - Y2 only

Community News & Events

Wildcats Flyer - Girls Football Training

Broomhill Library Friday Fun Activities

Rattle & Roll May Holiday Club

Kids Love Yoga May Holiday Club

£25 per day plus a 10% sibling discount with code HPU609.

May Half Term Kids Yoga Holiday Camp (ages 4-10)

28-30th May 2024 (full days 9am-3.30pm) book here: 

Dates for the Diary

Please see attached the Parent Calendar for this year. Please take a few minutes to take note of dates including INSET and holiday dates, Parents' Evenings, Parent workshops to find out about learning in school and performances.  

Notes about the calendar: 'Fourth Friday' - every 4th Friday that the children are in school parents will be invited into classrooms from when they open at 8:40am until when the bell rings at 8:55am - this is now open to all year groups. 


Tues 14th May - Reception Trip to Butterfly House

Thurs 16th May - 5:30pm PTA School Disco

Mon 20th May - SEND Sports Morning in school

Tues 21st May - 7:00pm Extra-Curricular Clubs go live via ParentPay

Wed 22nd May - Y1 & Y2 Sports Morning at Hallam Primary School

Thurs 23rd May - PTA Dress As You Please Day

Thurs 23rd May - 2:00pm Reception Sports Afternoon in the playground

Fri 24th May - INSET Day

Mon 3rd Jun - First day of half term

Wed 5th Jun - Author Workshops in school - Y1 & Y2

Thurs 6th JunAuthor Workshops in school - Y1 & Y2

Tues 18th Jun - World Music Day - 'Beat Goes On' Workshop in school - all year groups

Fri 21st Jun - Fourth Friday - parents in class until 9:00am

Fri 21st Jun - PTA Summer Fayre

Tues 25th Jun - 2:00pm & 6:30pm Choir Performance to Choir parents

Tues 2nd Jul - 2:00pm Y2 Leavers Performance

Tues 2nd Jul - Reception Dinosaur Workshop in school

Wed 3rd Jul - 2:00pm Y2 Leavers Performance

Wed 3rd Jul - 6:30pm New Reception Parents Meeting

Thurs 4th Jul - Y2 Leavers Trip

w/c Mon 8th Jul - Arts / Transition Week

Thurs 11th Jul - 3:20pm - 5:30pm Parents Open Evening

w/c Mon 15th Jul - No extra-curricular clubs this week

Fri 19th Jul - Last day of school term


School Term Dates 2023-24

Stumperlowe Park Road
S10 3QP

0114 2304094