Nether Green Infant School


The Role of Governors 

All Governing Boards have three core functions: 

  1. ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  3. overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Governors work with the headteacher and senior leadership team to drive the strategic development of the school and raise standards of achievement.  Duties include setting the school’s vision, aims and objectives, approving the school budget and appointing the headteacher.
Governors are there to provide oversight and accountability - they don’t get involved in the day-to-day management of the school.

Our Vision
To give every one of our pupils the best possible start in life by ensuring that every child has  access to a high standard of education, a well-rounded curriculum and an inclusive, community culture centred around the school values.

Our Governing Body
Our governing board is a committed and active group of volunteers who meet as a unified body at least twice a term to question and analyse, learn and agree the best approach or action. We come from a range of different backgrounds and bring different skills and expertise to the role. Governors also have individual responsibilities (see list below) and pay regular visits to catch up with staff and pupils, observe classes and see the school in action.

Contact Us
Please do get in touch if you have any questions, suggestions, feedback or issues you want to discuss. All governors may be contacted by email: or and by telephone on 0114 2304094.

Meet the Governors 

Governing Body - Responsibilities

Chair of governors - Jonny Clowes

Vice chair - David Withers

Governors responsible for Safeguarding & SEND - Gemma Page  

Governors responsible for Curriculum/Data and Standards -   Gemma Page 

Governors responsible for Personnel -   Jonny Clowes

Governors responsible for Parents & Community  - Charlotte Fitzjohn  & Jonny Clowes

Governors responsible for Premises & Health and Safety  - David Withers 

Governors responsible for Finance - Amy Mullock & Jonny Clowes 

Attendance at Meetings

Our clerk of governors keeps a record of attendance at full governing body meetings. Click to see the Attendance Register for each year  

Attendance Register 2023 - 2024

Attendance Register 2022 - 2023

Attendance Register 2021 - 2022

Attendance Register 2020 - 2021

Register of business and pecuniary interests 2023 
Name of governor  Type of  governor  Date  appointed  Relevant  business interests Links to other educational establishments Personal relationships with school staff or other governors Date interest declared
Will  Allen Associate 12.10.22 None 

Yes (headteacher at NGJS) 

None  22.03.24
Farzana Anjum Co-opted 12.10.22 None  None  None  05.12.23
Jonny Clowes Chair 13.10.21 None  None  None  11.10.23
Kate Cropper Co-opted 13.10.21 None  None  None  05.12.23
Nicola Doherty Staff 01.05.23 None  None  None  05.12.23
Charlotte Fitzjohn Parent 13.10.21 None  None  None  11.10.23
Lucy Hawkins Headteacher 05.06.17 None  None None  08.12.23
Amy Mullock Parent 13.10.21 Yes employee of BHP  None  None  11.10.23
Gemma Page Parent 01.07.21 None  Yes  (teacher at another school)  None  11.10.23
Sarah Smith Associate 01.06.19 None  None  None  05.12.23
David Withers Vice chair 12.10.22 Yes partner at Irwin Mitchell Solicitors  None  None  11.10.23

Stumperlowe Park Road
S10 3QP

0114 2304094